- Formation of a Legal entity (LLP, Private and Public Limited Company, OPC & Partnership Etc.).
- Legal Drafting.
- Business Advisory.
- Various other registrations for startups under various laws.
- Assistance in Accounting and Record Keeping.
- Registrations under various Statutes (Start-Up India, Trade Mark, Copyright, etc.).
- Tax Audits.
- Internal & Statutory Audits.
- Stock & Book Debt Audits.
- System Audits.
- Revenue Audits
- Monthly Management Review Audit.
- Investigations & Special Audits as required by the management.
- Fixed Assets Verification etc.
- Tax planning & Filing of Returns for all entities viz., Individuals, HUF’s, Firms, Companies, and Trusts etc.
- Transfer Planning Audit.
- Income Tax Consultancy Work including guidance for proper tax planning.
- TDS Returns and related consultancy.
- GST Registration, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Returns and related compliances.
- GST Consultancy.
- Representing clients before tax authorities.
- Scrutiny Assessment, Appeals and Litigations.
- Incorporation of Company.
- Consultancy on Company Law matters.
- Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and corporate re-organizations.
- Filing of annual returns and various forms, documents.
- Secretarial Matters including share transfers.
- Maintenance of Statutory records.
- Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.
- Formation of Deed/Constitution/MOA of charitable or religious trust.
- Registration of charitable or religious trust including Section 8 Company.
- Registration u/s 12AB and 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.
- Trust Audit under Charity Commissioner as well as Income Tax.
- Trust Consultancy including taxation of Trust.
- Litigation and Assessment of Trust.